Thursday, September 6, 2012

2 weeks in

Obviously I've been too busy playing GW2 to blog. We've been taking our time, doing a little bit of everything, exploring all the zones pretty thoroughly. We just hit 30 a couple nights ago, which brings me to my point.

Ascalonian Catacombs was ridiculously fun.

With a guild group, we rocked it (and by rocked it I mean there were a lot of deaths, but we didn't wipe on any bosses and only spent a little more than an hour in there). I loved it. All of the bosses were interesting (although the necro boss drove me crazy). I think the ranger was totally fun, but Mal really enjoyed the lovers because he could knock Vassar down over and over again with his hammer. Apparently the hammer gets a win.

Thumbs up to AC. Thumbs up to our guild. Thumbs up to GW2.

I've been taking screenshots of all the vistas, but was too busy kicking trash to screenie the dungeon. 

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